Sunday, April 7, 2013

Does Prophecy Matter or Not?

Royal Priesthood, Holy Nation                                        Acts 1:16
Does Prophecy Matter or Not?
by Robert T. Cooper

Some people are fascinated by prophecy and can’t study it enough. Others don’t really care all that much, studying it when they come across it in their regular Bible study, but otherwise intent on simply living for Jesus today. These latter believers wonder what it really matters.

In Acts 1:16, God through Peter reminds us that all Scripture was spoken by the Holy Spirit through the various human biblical writers. If God the Holy Spirit revealed and inspired these things, perhaps we ought to pay some attention to it.
Moreover, God through Peter reminds us that all Scripture has been or will be fulfilled. He intended to tell us before the fact that which He had planned. Since God wants us to know these things, perhaps we ought to pay some attention to it. I mean, do you want to stand before the Lord at the Judgment and have to explain why you dismissed a portion of His Word?

Then in Timothy we are reminded that all Scripture is profitable “for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”. That includes the genealogies, the Mosaic laws, and prophecy. No matter which passage it is, we can benefit from that passage in at least one of those four ways.

In the comments section, let us know whether you are a person who is fascinated by prophecy or whether you are one wonders what it really matters to your living for Jesus today.

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